Hoopa pokemon porn gay

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The diminished Hoopa was initially bitter and angry towards Ghris for taking away its power, but over time learned that its abilities could be used for more than just showing off. He then hid the Prison Bottle away in a secluded cavern and took Hoopa back to Arche Valley. Using the bottle, Ghris stripped Hoopa of much of its power, leaving it in a much smaller form without the ability to travel through its own rings.

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Hoopa defeated all comers, but was itself defeated when Ghris of Arche Valley arrived with the Prison Bottle. Dahara City thus became incredibly prosperous, but the people were threatened when Hoopa became drunk on its own power and began summoning other Legendary Pokémon to Dahara in order to challenge them to battles.

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In ancient times, the Unbound form of Hoopa came to Dahara City, where it used its magical rings to grant wishes to the townsfolk in exchange for food and because it liked their adoration.

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